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FLP Chinese is committed to providing quality, faith-filled resources for Chinese-speakers world-wide. We desire to make these life-transforming truths from God’s Word available to as many people as possible. That is why all of our publications are available as free digital downloads.


While there are numerous Simplified Chinese translations of Kenneth E. Hagin’s books and other Faith Library Publications materials in circulation, the resources found on this site are the officially approved Simplified Chinese publications acknowledged by Kenneth Hagin Ministries and RHEMA USA. The downloads on this site are the most up-to-date versions of the books, and we believe they best reflect the heart of the original writers and convey their words most accurately. We trust you will be blessed as you receive from God’s Word!

电子图书下载 ​Digital Downloads

访点击访问我们的免费下载区! Access All of Our Free Downloads in One Convenient Place!

欢迎来到我们的免费下载区!您可以通过选择“主题”菜单中的“全部”选项来浏览我们所有的免费下载文件,也可以相应地浏览不同的主题分类,包括医治、祷告、新信徒资源、圣灵和许多其它的主题。我们深信,您在领受神话语的过程之中,必蒙祝福!我们期待在未来继续添加更多改变生命的资源! Welcome to Our Free Digital Downloads Section! You may browse all of our free downloads by choosing the “All” option in our “Topics” Menu. You may also sort by our various categories including topics such as Healing, Prayer, New Believer’s Resources, The Holy Spirit and many others. We trust you will be blessed as …

正确与错误的思想 — Right and Wrong Thinking

有声书现在就可供您聆听! 更新你的思想!你相信什么是你思想的结果。你想错就会信错,但默想神的话语会纠正你的思想! 甘坚信牧师在《正确与错误的思想》一书中查考经文揭示出你如何能够:• 巧妙利用思想、相信和宣告之间强有力的关系;• 更新你的思想,让你的思想与神的话语一致;• 学会辨别你意念的来源;• 每次都作正确的宣告并打败魔鬼;• 在生活的每个领域都跟随圣经行在得胜之中! Now Available as an Audiobook! Renew your mind! What you believe is the result of your thinking. If you think wrong, you will believe wrong. But meditation in the Word of God will straighten out your thinking! In Right and Wrong Thinking, Kenneth E. Hagin explores the …

你应该知道的有关神医治的七件事 Seven Things You Should Know About Divine Healing

有声书现在就可供您聆听! 为什么有些人得了医治,而其他人则没有呢?从神领受医治的方式不只一种吗?“最好的”方式是什么呢? 甘坚信牧师从他跨越半个多世纪的丰富事工中,总结出来的《你应该知道的有关神医治的七件事》一书,就回答了这些问题以及其它的问题。 你自己要来挖掘: 疾病的源泉以及如何抵挡它,领受神医治的方式,以及如何持守你的医治! Now Available as an Audiobook! Why do some people get healed and others do not? Is there more than one way to receive divine healing? What is the “best” way? Out of the riches of a ministry that spanned more than half a century, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin shares the …

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We desire to provide free, life-transforming materials to Chinese-speaking people living around the world. That is why all of our FLP Chinese publications are available as free digital downloads. If you or someone you know has been blessed through the materials we offer, we ask you to consider donating to help us continue making more resources available.

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您可以拨打918-258-1588 转 2261向书店订购。请注意:零售订单只能用英文接受。



Currently, print copies of certain FLP Chinese titles are only available through contacting the RHEMA Bible Church Bookstore located in Broken Arrow, OK  USA.  The cost of the various titles is noted below. Tax and shipping costs will vary based on the shipping destination.

​You may call the bookstore at 918-258-1588 ext. 2261 to request your order. PLEASE NOTE: RETAIL ORDERS CAN ONLY BE TAKEN IN ENGLISH.

For wholesale order information, please click here. PLEASE NOTE:  Wholesale ordering is only available for churches, bookstores and ministries located in the USA.

For information on purchasing Faith Library Publications in traditional Chinese, please visit: www.rhemapublishing.com

Available Simplified Chinese Titles and Retail Pricing:

重生 New Birth — $1.95USD
在基督里 In Him — $1.95USD
为什么要说方言 Why Tongues — $1.95USD
神的良药  God’s Medicine — $1.95USD
信徒的权柄  The Believer’s Authority — $8.95USD
祷告的艺术 The Art of Prayer–$14.95USD
如何被神的灵所引导  How You Can Be Led by The Spirit of God– $14.95USD
恩典——神的DNA Grace-The DNA of God–$16.99USD
血与水的洗礼 Through the Blood and Through the Flood–$8.95USD
属灵的成长 Growing Up Spiritually — $11.95USD
得胜的教会 Triumphant Church — $15.95USD
圣灵的恩赐 Gifts of Holy Spirit — $8.95USD
行在信心里 Walking By Faith — $8.95USD
圣灵的洗 Baptism in the Holy Spirit — $8.95
信心的根基 Foundations of Faith — $8.95
你应该知道的有关神医治的七件事 7 Things You Should Know About Divine Healing — $8.95


Prices subject to change at any time. For the most current prices, you will need to contact the RHEMA Bookstore as noted above.

批发信息 Wholesale

​Wholesale Information for Churches, Bookstores and Ministries Located in the USA


We will be posting information about wholesale pricing for our print publications soon. If you are interested in having us contact you once those forms are available, please fill out the contact information below. Wholesale items are only able to be sent within the United States at this time.