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The Body of Christ is in need of members who are spiritually mature. All of us begin as spiritual babes in Christ when we are born again. But God doesn’t intend for us to stay that way. God desires for us to grow into Christian maturity.
In his book Growing Up, Spiritually, Kenneth E. Hagin compares the stages of spiritual growth to those of physical growth.
In this important book, you will discover how to: • Locate your current stage of spiritual growth. • Grow into the next stage of spiritual development. • Walk in close fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • Renew your mind with a diet of God’s Word. • Determine the differences between the natural man, the carnal man, and the spiritual man.
You won’t be the same after reading and receiving the message of “Growing Up, Spiritually”, and the Body of Christ will be strengthened as you grow and develop in God.
We can sometimes make the mistake of thinking that Christianity is only about going to heaven when we die and that the Great Commission is only about converting people to Christianity. Eternity in heaven is part of salvation, but salvation has implications for our lives now. Jesus called us to make disciples, not just converts. Sharing the good news of eternal salvation is the first part of becoming a disciple, but making disciples also includes “teaching [people] to observe all that [Jesus] commanded” (Matthew 28:20). Making disciples includes teaching others ALL that Jesus commanded including being a doer of the Word, fellowshipping with their Heavenly Father, and eventually becoming a Disciple Maker themselves. It is important that people learn from Jesus and follow Him—become His disciples—because true life is found in Him. This manual provides a step-by-step process for spiritual growth that leads to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ.
This book provides step-by-step guidance through the Scriptures to steer Christians away from spiritual pitfalls and help them to follow the Spirit of God in every area of life. Kenneth E. Hagin focuses on the conscience, the inward witness, prophecy, visions, and training the human spirit.
Renew your mind! What you believe is the result of your thinking. If you think wrong, you will believe wrong. But meditation in the Word of God will straighten out your thinking!
In Right and Wrong Thinking, Kenneth E. Hagin explores the Scriptures and reveals how you can: • Tap into the powerful connection of thinking, believing, and confessing. • Renew your mind and line up your thinking with the Word of God. • Learn to distinguish the source of your thoughts. • Make the right confession and defeat the devil every time. • Follow scriptural steps to walk in victory in every area of life!
Why do some people get healed and others do not? Is there more than one way to receive divine healing? What is the “best” way? Out of the riches of a ministry that spanned more than half a century, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin shares the results of his lifelong study of the Scriptures as well as actual case histories to answer these and other questions. Discover for yourself the source of sickness and how to stand against it, ways to obtain divine healing, and how to keep your healing.
The benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues are discussed in this important mini-book. Kenneth E. Hagin explains the Bible way to receive the Holy Spirit and ten reasons why every believer should speak and pray in tongues.
This mini-book will help believers learn more about who they are and what they have in Christ by studying such New Testament expressions as “in Him,” “in Christ,” and “in Whom.” Use this book as a wonderful tool to help you meditate and confess God’s Word over your life.
• Why should anybody want to speak in tongues? • Is the experience relevant for today, or did it cease on the Day of Pentecost? • Does it serve a purpose? • How can you be sure it’s from God? • How can you get “good enough” to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues? • Is this really for every Christian, or just the favored few? • What steps can you take to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues? Kenneth E. Hagin answers these and other challenging questions in his classic book Seven Vital Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit.
What has God provided? What are our rights? What actually belongs to us when it comes to physical healing and health? How can we ascertain exactly what was secured for us? There’s only one way. By a constant, careful, diligent, reverent, prayerful study of God’s Word. God’s prescription for health and healing is found in His Word. Download this mini-book and take your medicine today!
In this innovative book, Kenneth E. Hagin explains in great detail how Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Old Testament Law and opened the way for us to instead enjoy the blessings of Abraham: financial prosperity, health, and spiritual redemption! The teachings in this powerful slimline book answer questions such as: • What is the curse of the Law? • Is it wrong to have money? • How do sin and wrongdoing open the door to sickness and disease? • Can mankind be saved from spiritual death by his conduct or good works? • How can I take advantage of what belongs to me in Christ?
Proverbs 18:21 tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. It is important to talk in line with the Word of God because our words affect our faith walk. What we say today, good or bad, influences our lives in the future.
In Kenneth E. Hagin’s book “Words”, discover how your words affect your home life, families, health, and success. With this book, you will be equipped to confess scriptures that promise the things you desire. As you do, God’s Word will register on your spirit, your faith will rise to the level of your confession, and you will experience victory over your circumstances!
“There is no need to be defeated. God has given us His Word. He is all the equipment we need,” Kenneth E. Hagin writes in the preface to his book What to Do When Faith Seems Weak and Victory Lost. “. . . I meet Christians all the time who have problems,” Rev. Hagin continues. “They have come to the place where they say, ‘I don’t know what to do.’ (Have you ever been there?) This is the reason for this book. These 10 steps, taken in sequence, will bring anyone out of defeat into certain victory!”
In the book’s summary, Rev. Hagin warns, “Do not make the mistake multiplied thousands of Christians are making. That is, wondering and wavering concerning the will of God in anything that is promised by God.”
Christians have an authority on Earth that we have yet to fully realize. In Kenneth Hagin Ministries’ all-time best seller, The Believer’s Authority, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin provides excellent insight into the God-given authority that rightfully belongs to every believer in Christ! Based on the Book of Ephesians, this classic has helped generations of believers learn about exercising authority, breaking the devil’s power, and using weapons of spiritual warfare.
The Threefold Nature of Man is the result of years of study by Kenneth E. Hagin.The subject of man’s threefold nature—spirit, soul, and body—always intrigued Rev. Hagin. Like most Christians, however, he had never been taught this essential Bible truth.
When he began to study the subject, he encountered a great deal of confusion; especially in distinguishing between spirit and soul. “Much error has been taught, even from the pulpit,” he comments.
After much prayer and Bible study, he learned that man is a spirit who possesses a soul and lives in a body. He elaborates on the threefold nature of man in this book.
Love Never Fails There is a difference between ‘natural human love’ and ‘divine love’. In this mini-book, Kenneth E. Hagin explores the difference and will help you to see that when you act according to the Love of God that has been shed abroad in your heart, you can’t fail–because love never fails!
In “The Bible Way to Receive the Holy Spirit”, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin explains the difference between being born of the Spirit and being filled with the Spirit with examples from the book of Acts. God already gave us the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. We don’t have to tarry to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit; we just need to receive this gift in faith and speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives us the utterance. Practical and detailed steps are also listed in helping others receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In our all-time best-selling mini-book, Kenneth E. Hagin explains the necessity of receiving the New Birth. He points out how the New Birth experience enables us to have an intimate relationship with God while we’re on Earth, and because of it, we will be with Him eternally
The Name of Jesus. The Bible tells us that all Heaven, earth, and hell respond to that Name. What sets this Name apart from all others? This landmark teaching by Kenneth Hagin answers that question and gives critical insight into the power God has invested in this Name. This teaching has impacted Christians around the world, and you, too, can learn about the power and importance of the Name of Jesus for prayer, healing and everyday living.
In Through the Blood and Through the Flood, Dr. Kirk DuBois helps you understand who you are and what you have because you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. When you grasp this key spiritual truth, you will begin to taste of the sweet victory your Heavenly Father has provided for you, and you will become abundantly useful to Him. Through the Blood and Through the Flood will help you put your past behind you, stop focusing on your faults, and do great things for God!