如何被神的灵所引导 How You Can Be Led by The Spirit of God



Now Available as an Audiobook!

​This book provides step-by-step guidance through the Scriptures to steer Christians away from spiritual pitfalls and help them to follow the Spirit of God in every area of life. Kenneth E. Hagin focuses on the conscience, the inward witness, prophecy, visions, and training the human spirit.

为什么要说方言? Why Tongues?



Now Available as an Audiobook!

​The benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking with other tongues are discussed in this important mini-book. Kenneth E. Hagin explains the Bible way to receive the Holy Spirit and ten reasons why every believer should speak and pray in tongues.

领受圣灵7个关键步骤 — 7 Vital Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit



• 人们为什么要说方言?
• 这个经验与今日有关,还是它在五旬节那天就停止了?
• 它有什么作用吗?
• 你怎么能确定它是来自神的?
• 你怎样才能“足够好”到领受圣灵的洗并说方言呢?
• 这真的适用于每一个基督徒,还是只适用于少数被宠爱  
• 你要采取那些步骤才能领受圣灵的洗并说方言呢?


Now Available as an Audiobook!

7 Vital Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit

Why Speak in Tongues?

• Why should anybody want to speak in tongues?
• Is the experience relevant for today, or did it cease on the
   Day of Pentecost?
• Does it serve a purpose?
• How can you be sure it’s from God?
• How can you get “good enough” to receive the baptism in the
   Holy Spirit and speak in tongues?
• Is this really for every Christian, or just the favored few?
• What steps can you take to receive the baptism in the Holy
   Spirit and speak in tongues?
Kenneth E. Hagin answers these and other challenging questions in his classic book Seven Vital Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit.

按照圣经来领受圣灵 The Bible Way to Receive the Holy Spirit



Now Available as an Audiobook!

In “The Bible Way to Receive the Holy Spirit”, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin explains the difference between being born of the Spirit and being filled with the Spirit with examples from the book of Acts. God already gave us the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. We don’t have to tarry to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit; we just need to receive this gift in faith and speak in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives us the utterance. Practical and detailed steps are also listed in helping others receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 

圣灵的恩赐 -Gifts of Holy Spirit






Gifts of Holy Spirit: An aid to Studying Spiritual Gifts

The study of spiritual gifts has become increasingly important as the Body of Christ prepares for these end-times.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit closely examines the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, working of miracles, gifts of healings, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy.

This informative study guide answers such questions as: Can anyone prophesy? Are there practical uses for the gifts of the Spirit? Is there a difference between natural and supernatural healing? Does everyone have the gift of faith?

This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.

圣灵的洗 –Baptism in the Holy Spirit


《圣灵的洗》一书深入探讨有关圣灵的洗以及说方言的真理。 这本内容丰富的导读本会回答下列问题:你如何领受圣灵的洗?你应该说方言吗?说方言有什么好处?等候圣灵符合圣经吗? 这十三章强而有力的导读本是作为小组或个人灵修之用。

It is vitally important that we, as Christians, come to know the Holy Spirit. For when we learn what His role in the Trinity is, we will better understand His purpose in our lives.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit deals in depth with the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues. This informative study guide answers such questions as: How do you receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Should you speak with other tongues? Are there any benefits to speaking in tongues? Is it scriptural to tarry for the Holy Spirit? This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.