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- Create Date October 1, 2021
- Last Updated October 1, 2021
耶稣—超乎万名之上的名 Jesus Name Above All Names
• 耶稣之名在天上、地上和地底下所蕴含的权柄;
• 为什么高举耶稣之名会带来圣灵的恩膏 ;
• 神注入在耶稣之名中祝福他在地上的孩子的“保证” ;
• 当耶稣之名被宣告时,撒但及其鬼魔势力为何恐惧颤抖。
There's Power in the Name of JESUS!
When a believer speaks the Name of Jesus in authority, everything in Heaven stands still and the circumstances of life on earth must subject themselves to God’s will. Many Christians talk and get excited about this biblical truth, but few completely understand it.
In Jesus—Name Above All Names, Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin discusses the
redemptive realities and blessings every Christian inherits at salvation
through the power of Jesus’ Name. Readers will be strengthened and encouraged by this timely work drawn from biblical revelation and Rev. Hagin’s personal experience as they discover:
• The authority Jesus’ Name carries in Heaven, on earth, and beneath
the earth
• Why lifting up the Name of Jesus brings the anointing of the Holy
• The “guarantee” God has invested in Jesus’ Name to bless His
children on earth
• Why Satan and his demonic powers cower in fear when Jesus’ Name
is spoken