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- Create Date January 11, 2025
- Last Updated January 11, 2025
跟随耶稣 做主门徒- Following Jesus: Becoming a Disciple
We can sometimes make the mistake of thinking that Christianity is only about going to heaven when we die and that the Great Commission is only about converting people to Christianity. Eternity in heaven is part of salvation, but salvation has implications for our lives now. Jesus called us to make disciples, not just converts. Sharing the good news of eternal salvation is the first part of becoming a disciple, but making disciples also includes "teaching [people] to observe all that [Jesus] commanded" (Matthew 28:20). Making disciples includes teaching others ALL that Jesus commanded including being a doer of the Word, fellowshipping with their Heavenly Father, and eventually becoming a Disciple Maker themselves. It is important that people learn from Jesus and follow Him—become His disciples—because true life is found in Him. This manual provides a step-by-step process for spiritual growth that leads to becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ.