耶稣的宝血 The Precious Blood of Jesus


The Precious Blood of Jesus
There’s awesome power in the Precious Blood of Jesus Who is our High Priest for eternity! You can be forgiven, healed, and set free through faith in the most valuable substance in all of creation—the blood of Jesus! In this remarkable message, Rev. Hagin explains how the shed blood of Christ is the key to receiving from God. You will learn from God’s Word what makes the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ so powerful and why it is so precious.



判断预言的七个步骤 — Seven Steps for Judging Prophecy


•  你作为一个基督徒如何从假先知中分辨出真先知。
•  如何根据神的话语来判断预言。
•  如何被住在你里面的恩膏所引导。

A Timely Guide for Judging Prophets and Prophecies

No age has been more in need of the Apostle John’s advice than ours:“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).
Many voices call to modern man: “Follow us, follow us!” Unscrupulous cult leaders claim to have supernatural gifts or powers and promise to give peace and fulfillment to those who will follow them. But in reality, they only lead men and women into bondage and unscriptural practices.
In Seven Steps for Judging Prophecy, by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, you will learn:
•  How you as a Christian can sort out the genuine prophets from the false.
•  How to judge prophecies in the light of the Word.
•  How to be led by the anointing that abides in you.

极速增长的信心 — Exceedingly Growing Faith

盼望说,“我有一天会得着我需要的。” 信心说,“我现在就得着我需要的!”


• 信心从何而来
• 信心是现在时
• 心里相信是什么意思
• 如何训练人的灵
• 神那样的信心


Hope says, “I’ll have what I need sometime.” Faith says, “I have what I need NOW!” Build a solid foundation for your faith through this collection of some of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s best-loved sermons! This classic volume contains basics vital to understanding the faith life. In this book you will discover:

• How Faith Comes
• Now Faith Is
• What It Means to Believe With the Heart
• How to Train the Human Spirit
• The God-Kind of Faith

Exceedingly Growing Faith is relevant to every believer’s faith life because growth in faith principles comes from understanding and acting upon the important concepts collected here. For example, we feed upon God’s Word; then we exercise our faith by acting on God’s Word. Rev. Hagin comments, “As faith grows, Satan’s dominion over us wanes. Circumstances become less formidable and fear is destroyed.”

有关神的医治你应该知道的最重要的事情 The Most Important Things to Know About Healing


Believers who have obtained healing must stand fast on God’s Word to keep their healing when symptoms return. In this classic teaching from RHEMA’s Healing School, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin emphasizes that believers must develop a strong faith in God’s Word. Some additional teaching insights include: God’s method of healing is spiritual; healing starts on the inside and works to the outside; and healing can be both instantaneous or progressive. Learn how to both receive and keep your healing!

有关神的医治你应该知道的最重要的事情视频 The Most Important Things to Know About Healing– Video

有关神的医治你应该知道的最重要的事情视频整个音频文件 The Most Important Things to Know About Healing (Full Audio)

禁食常识指南 — A Commonsense Guide to Fasting

“难道我们不该禁食吗?” 你以为你很了解禁食吗?再想想。甘坚信牧师所著的《禁食常识指南》充满着惊喜。甘牧师着眼旧约和新约,鼓励信徒检视并遵循圣经中禁食的理由。他讨论了禁食的适当时段,并将主给他的一个独特的禁食指示呈现给我们。本书简明扼要,会成为你所珍视的参考图书。

• “圣经告诉我们要禁食,对吗?”
• “像耶稣一样禁食40天难道不是最好吗?”
• “禁食就是什么食物都不吃,对吗?”

“禁食会改变你。它会帮助你攻克肉身。它会帮助你更敏感于神的灵。” ——甘坚信

Aren’t we supposed to fast? Think you know all about fasting? Think again. “A Commonsense Guide to Fasting” by Kenneth E. Hagin is full of surprises. Drawing from the Old and New Testaments, Rev. Hagin encourages believers to examine and follow the scriptural reasons for fasting. He discusses the proper length for a fast and presents a unique alternative to fasting that the Lord gave him. Brief and to-the-point, this book will become a cherished part of your reference library.

Among the questions Rev. Hagin answers in “A Commonsense Guide to Fasting” are these:
• “The Bible tells us to fast, doesn’t it?”
• “Isn’t it best to fast for 40 days like Jesus did?”
• “Fasting means not eating any food, right?”

“Fasting will change you. It will help you keep the flesh under. It will help you become more sensitive to the Spirit of God.” —Kenneth E. Hagin

侧耳倾听——信靠耶稣之名  Incline Thine Ear: Relying on the Name of Jesus


If we have faith in the Name of Jesus, we know that God hears us when we pray. Another one of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s timeless teachings, in this video you will learn that you don’t have to waver or worry—we can rely on His precious Name to deliver us out of all our troubles.

侧耳倾听——信靠耶稣之名视频 Incline Thine Ear: Relying on the Name of Jesus (Video)

侧耳倾听——信靠耶稣之名视频整个音频文件 Incline Thine Ear: Relying on the Name of Jesus (Full Audio)

侧耳倾听——信心于耶稣之名 Incline Thine Ear: Faith in the Name of Jesus


Just as faith in the Name of Jesus made the lame walk in Early Church times, faith in that Name leads to victory in every area of your life today! In this video, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin teaches how faith in Jesus’ Name can bring victory, provision, and protection to your life.

侧耳倾听——信心于耶稣之名视频 Incline Thine Ear: Faith in the Name of Jesus (Video)

侧耳倾听——信心于耶稣之名视频整个音频文件 Incline Thine Ear: Faith in the Name of Jesus (Full Audio)

侧耳倾听 Incline Thine Ear


As a believer, you can walk in healing, provision, and all of God’s blessings by obeying His instructions to “incline thine ear” to His Word. This video features timeless insights from Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin on the need to feed your faith continually on God’s Word.

Incline Thine Ear (Video)

Incline Thine Ear (Full Audio)

爱乃得胜之道 –Love The Way To Victory


神在他的话语中告诉我们要让神的爱成为我们生命中的伟大追求。经典扩大版圣经这样说: “要迫切追求(这种)爱,寻求拥有(这种)爱(使它成为你的目标,你伟大的追求)。” (林前14:1)然而我们中有多少人可以诚恳地说,我们已经让神的爱成为我们生命中的伟大目标和追求?



Make God’s Love your Great Quest!

God has told us in His Word that we are to make the love of God our great quest in life. The Amplified Bible says it this way: “Eagerly pursue and seek to acquire [this] love—make it your aim, your great quest” (1 Cor. 14:1). Yet how many of us can honestly say that we have made God’s love our great aim and quest in life?

In this powerful book, Love: The Way to Victory, Rev. Hagin shows why God’s love is so vital to our lives. He says, “The answer to so many of life’s problems is found in this statement: God’s love never fails! Therefore, if you learn to walk in love, then you’re never going to fail either. I’m talking about divine love—God’s love in us—not human love.”

Rev. Hagin teaches how to let the love of God dominate our lives rather than to allow our flesh or our unredeemed thinking to rule us. So embark on God’s great quest for your life and learn how you can turn around even what seems to be impossible situations in your life—just by walking in the God-kind of love!

耶稣——超乎万名之上的名 Jesus Name Above All Names



• 耶稣之名在天上、地上和地底下所蕴含的权柄;
• 为什么高举耶稣之名会带来圣灵的恩膏 ;
• 神注入在耶稣之名中祝福他在地上的孩子的“保证” ;
• 当耶稣之名被宣告时,撒但及其鬼魔势力为何恐惧颤抖。

There’s Power in the Name of JESUS!

When a believer speaks the Name of Jesus in authority, everything in Heaven stands still and the circumstances of life on earth must subject themselves to God’s will. Many Christians talk and get excited about this biblical truth, but few completely understand it.

In Jesus—Name Above All Names, Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin discusses the redemptive realities and blessings every Christian inherits at salvation through the power of Jesus’ Name. Readers will be strengthened and encouraged by this timely work drawn
from biblical revelation and Rev. Hagin’s personal experience as they discover:
• The authority Jesus’ Name carries in Heaven, on earth, and beneath
the earth
• Why lifting up the Name of Jesus brings the anointing of the Holy
• The “guarantee” God has invested in Jesus’ Name to bless His
children on earth
• Why Satan and his demonic powers cower in fear when Jesus’ Name
is spoken

得胜的教会 -Triumphant Church

甘 坚信所著的《得胜的教会——掌管一切黑暗的权势》是关于魔鬼学这个主题的综合性圣经研究。甘坚信牧师就路西弗的起源以及撒但如何成为这世界的神从圣经进行了透彻的学习。甘牧师展示了压制、痴迷和附着之间的差别,并探讨了信徒在他们生命中给魔鬼留地步的不同方式。
• 正确区分人的灵、魂、体;
• 神的智慧;
• 属灵的争战——你是在摔跤还是在安息?
• 释放事工符合圣经吗?

Can a Christian Have a Demon?
Is It Scriptural to Pull Down Strongholds?
What Is True Biblical Warfare?

Kenneth E. Hagin’s book The Triumphant Church: Dominion Over All the Powers of Darkness is a comprehensive biblical study on the subject of demonology. Rev. Hagin builds a thorough study from the Scriptures on the origin of Lucifer and how Satan became the god of this world. Rev. Hagin shows the difference between oppression, obsession, and pos­session and discusses various ways believers can give Satan access in their lives.

This book will show you how to enforce Satan’s defeat in your life so you can live in the victory God intended for every believer. No longer will you have to try to “battle” to a place of victory once you see the authority that is yours in Jesus Christ.

As a believer, you are seated in heavenly places in Christ far above all powers and principalities now. So if you’re not looking down on the devil, you’re not high enough! Come on up and sit in heavenly places in Christ where you belong. Learn how to take your place in Christ as the triumphant Church—which is always a position of victory!

Read this enlightening book and gain insight concerning:
• Rightly Dividing Man: Spirit, Soul, and Body
• The Wisdom of God
• Spiritual Warfare: Are You Wrestling or Resting?
• The Deliverance Ministry—Is It Scriptural?

圣灵的恩赐 -Gifts of Holy Spirit






Gifts of Holy Spirit: An aid to Studying Spiritual Gifts

The study of spiritual gifts has become increasingly important as the Body of Christ prepares for these end-times.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit closely examines the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, working of miracles, gifts of healings, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy.

This informative study guide answers such questions as: Can anyone prophesy? Are there practical uses for the gifts of the Spirit? Is there a difference between natural and supernatural healing? Does everyone have the gift of faith?

This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.

行在信心里 -Walking By Faith



甘坚信牧师的导读本《行在信心里》, 仔细地解释你如何能够过着得胜的信心生活。

这本内容丰富的导读本会回答下面重要的问题: 什么是信心的敌人? 如何运用信心来移开贫穷的大山? 如何凭信心胜惧怕和怀疑? 如何坚固和训练你的灵,使之成为安全的向导? 


Walking by Faith:  Faith is the Victory!

Faith makes the difference between defeat and victory in a Christian’s life. When believers walk by faith, they experience God’s best—because there is no failure in God!

In his study guide, Walking by Faith, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin carefully explains how you can lead a victorious life of faith.

This informative study guide answers many vital questions, including: What are the enemies of faith? How can faith be used to move the mountains of poverty? How do you overcome fear and doubt with faith? How can you strengthen and train your spirit to be a safe guide?

This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.

圣灵的洗 –Baptism in the Holy Spirit


《圣灵的洗》一书深入探讨有关圣灵的洗以及说方言的真理。 这本内容丰富的导读本会回答下列问题:你如何领受圣灵的洗?你应该说方言吗?说方言有什么好处?等候圣灵符合圣经吗? 这十三章强而有力的导读本是作为小组或个人灵修之用。

It is vitally important that we, as Christians, come to know the Holy Spirit. For when we learn what His role in the Trinity is, we will better understand His purpose in our lives.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit deals in depth with the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues. This informative study guide answers such questions as: How do you receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Should you speak with other tongues? Are there any benefits to speaking in tongues? Is it scriptural to tarry for the Holy Spirit? This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.

信心的根基 Foundations of Faith


Faith is the foundation of the Christian Life. Yet many believers don’t fully understand what true Bible faith is. Kenneth E. Hagin’s study guide, Foundations for Faith, teaches the basic principles of faith and discusses why faith is the key to receiving from God. This informative study guide helps answer questions such as: What is the God-kind of faith? How do you differentiate between faith and hope? What does it mean to believe with the heart? How do you release your faith? This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.

医治经文光盘 – 甘坚信 Healing Scriptures MP3


A Chinese version of Rev. Kenneth Hagin’s healing scriptures CD. This recording contains 40 minutes of healing scriptures from God’s Word being read aloud with peaceful worship music.

祷告的艺术 The Art of Prayer


​The chapters in this important handbook on the lost art of prayer cover subjects including: praying for your nation, interceding for the lost, praying for deliverance, groanings in the Spirit, fasting, and praying for those in sin. The Art of Prayer will serve as an invaluable handbook on prayer not only for individual believers, but also for prayer groups and churches!