正确与错误的思想 — Right and Wrong Thinking



• 巧妙利用思想、相信和宣告之间强有力的关系;
• 更新你的思想,让你的思想与神的话语一致;
• 学会辨别你意念的来源;
• 每次都作正确的宣告并打败魔鬼;
• 在生活的每个领域都跟随圣经行在得胜之中!

Now Available as an Audiobook!

Renew your mind! What you believe is the result of your thinking. If you think wrong, you will believe wrong. But meditation in the Word of God will straighten out your thinking!

In Right and Wrong Thinking, Kenneth E. Hagin explores the Scriptures and reveals how you can:
• Tap into the powerful connection of thinking, believing, and confessing.
• Renew your mind and line up your thinking with the Word of God.
• Learn to distinguish the source of your thoughts.
• Make the right confession and defeat the devil every time.
• Follow scriptural steps to walk in victory in every area of life!