甘坚信牧师的导读本《行在信心里》, 仔细地解释你如何能够过着得胜的信心生活。
这本内容丰富的导读本会回答下面重要的问题: 什么是信心的敌人? 如何运用信心来移开贫穷的大山? 如何凭信心胜惧怕和怀疑? 如何坚固和训练你的灵,使之成为安全的向导?
Walking by Faith: Faith is the Victory!
Faith makes the difference between defeat and victory in a Christian’s life. When believers walk by faith, they experience God’s best—because there is no failure in God!
In his study guide, Walking by Faith, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin carefully explains how you can lead a victorious life of faith.
This informative study guide answers many vital questions, including: What are the enemies of faith? How can faith be used to move the mountains of poverty? How do you overcome fear and doubt with faith? How can you strengthen and train your spirit to be a safe guide?
This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.